Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve's Eve

This is my first Christmas as a real stay-at-home mom, since last year I was still really in the post-baby fog with a 5 week old. I am having so much fun and it's really wonderful to have time to do so many of the things I have wanted to in the past but had to cram into weekends. My house gets a little disaster-zoney sometimes but I'm okay with it because I eventually catch up and I'm enjoying the crafts and baking and all. Who knows when the next year will be that I feel this productive? Next year I'll have two itty bitties and life will be different and may be way crazier, but honestly I still think I will be able to enjoy it just as much.
And seriously, my daughter is as cute as they come and I can hardly believe what a blessing she is. I am excited to do it all over again and watch Adelaide and Amelia grow up together. Sisters - I am so thankful that Lyddie will have a sister and to be a mother to two small girls and then eventually two teen girls and then further still women!
Here's my girl at the cookie exchange with some dear friends and family earlier this week. The dress she is in was mine when I was her age; my mom said it was one of her first sewing projects and I'm impressed. My first sewing projects are much less involved, but I'm so glad it fits her this year. She actually looks a lot like pictures of me in this same dress. Of course she's in the ragamuffin stage with food all over her pinafore, but hey, that's life these days.

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1 comment:

  1. Lyddie looked just adorable in your dress, Sarah. :) I hope we'll eventually get to see Amelia in it, too! :)
