Saturday, March 14, 2020

Watching for Beauty

It is surprising how quickly so much can change.  But even when everything is topsy-turvy, a great deal remains the same. The sun still rises.  The night comes faithfully.  People still must be fed, hugged, read to.  

I don't have any unique words of encouragement.  I am, like you, watching the unfolding of worldwide pandemic with confusion, sorrow, and a measure of anxiety.  But I can focus on the beauty around me, on the things that build up rather than tear down. I choose today to see the good here and not just the scary and unclear. I choose today to trust that God has not forgotten us.  I choose today to thank Him for being with us, for being The God Who Sees - and not just Sees, but Loves. 

We continue to do school when so much else has quieted. We keep reading beautiful books together: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Little Women; A Wonder Book of Greek mythology. We make brownies together, play Chinese Checkers, watch a movie, drink coffee, knit, draw in our sketchbooks.  Maybe these things will become part of what we remember.  Maybe with practice we can remember to watch for beauty and be filled with joy yet even when the trumpet of doom sounds loudly all around us. 

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