Thursday, May 08, 2008


It is clear to me that the Lord is working, growing, stretching, and teaching me. There are many things changing in the way I think about life.

The biggest one is in the area of money and possessions - and controversy abounds when one talks of possessions and money. Not all would agree with what I think but I believe it to be Scriptural and necessary for a believer to consider his possessions to be God's - alone.

As I continue to read Scripture and go through life, I am convinced that man cannot serve both God and money. I am also convinced that God is completely sovereign over every aspect of our lives and that He holds me safely in the palm of His hand. I also know that as Christians we should not seek the riches of this world but instead the riches of the kingdom.

I am coming out of a subconscious mindset of giving the 10% that God asks and using the rest as our very own material into a conscious mindset that 100% - ALL - of our money and gifts belong to the Lord and, just as with any investor, He should be consulted about where His money goes. Not just the 10% we believe should go to the church, but the other 90% as well. Some of the answers are easy- we should definitely use a portion to pay our rent and bills and buy groceries and gas for our cars. But there is usually a little left over after that - or maybe we sell something (like a car...we finally sold Jesse's Subaru, for just a tiny bit of money, but that money was a gift from God). Where should that money go? Should we feel immediately comfortable buying new toys, clothes, etc, or should we pray to see where God would have it go and be truly open to His answers.

We have decided to start living the latter. Not because we are strong or spiritual but because everywhere we look, we're faced with God's truth that when we give to the building of His kingdom, we are being obedient. Our pastor recently preached a sermon series on giving, which was EXCELLENT (link to audio files- see April6, 13, and 20) and he said his family gives according to the "Wince factor" - whatever makes you wince is probably what you should give. Our giving should be above and beyond what is "extra" or what is "comfortable" for us to give. This is a truth that keeps flying into my mind when we discuss our money and giving.

The fact that God is so totally sovereign assures me that we will never be outside of His care. I trust that He will always provide exactly what we need - even if what we need is financial difficulty at times. Those times of financial stress are actually times that we both feel we grow the most and lean the most on God's gracious provision. And, friends, he ALWAYS provides. We are never out of his sight. He is true to His promises.

I recently read L'Abri by Edith Schaeffer (wife of Christian missionary and philosopher Francis Schaeffer) and was so encouraged and challenged to think more and more along these lines. As a family who picked up and moved from the U.S. to Switzerland in the 1950's to do whatever God would have them do... they are a beautiful testimony of God providing exactly what they needed - no more and no less. It makes think continually of one of my favorite passages in the Bible-
Proverbs 30:7-9
Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.

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