Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The Lord's faithful provision is a wonderful thing. This afternoon I found out that my sweet friend Heather (and family), lost her dog to a staph infection. Heather and her family have had unbelievable suffering in the past few years, not the least of which was being confined to bed for a long time due to her autoimmune disorder. Her family has always had a special place in my heart and I have looked up to Heather as long as I can remember. Only a few years older than me, she was always one of the older girls in the youth group that I admired for her sweet disposition and steady faith. When she moved home to live with her family when her illness was at its worst, they discovered that their sweet dog Calvin was able to predict when she was about to have an autoimmune flare. Amazing - because if they can catch the flare in time with heavy doses of medication, they can at least somewhat minimize the effects and keep her body from attacking itself.

Calvin adopted our high school youth group on one of our summer mission trips. A small group of us were staying in a little town near Mt. Rainier doing work projects, leading youth group for the week, and doing a VBS at the church where we were staying. This little, bedraggled spaniel puppy appeared and wouldn't leave. He was clearly a stray with his tangled and matted hair-completely filthy. One of my favorite memories is caring for him, feeding him, washing him with a few other friends and working to transform his coat into the beautiful hidden gold. I have a picture of Calvin and me during his first bath that I have long treasured. Heather's brother Michael persuaded the leaders (somehow!) to allow him to take this puppy home, never knowing the amazing and special plan God had for this precious pup in their family. I have always loved Calvin and so wished I could have taken him home, but in God's amazing goodness, he ended up in a home where, years later, his gifts could be used to minister God's grace to others.
Calvin will be missed but he has served as a beautiful reminder that God knows all our needs, all our days before even one of them came to be.

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