Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yarn Along, June 25

My house is cluttered.  Parts of our property are overrun with weeds. There are at least two loads of laundry per person here at some stage of incomplete.  Projects never seem to get completed and there is a pushy voice clanging in my head that I'm not enough and there's more



more I should be doing.

How does one hush that angry bossy voice enough to come quiet to Jesus, who is the fullness of God and therefore is more than enough and all I will ever need? 
My friend Lynn passed away this week, a friend who began her battle against cancer after being diagnosed just three weeks ago.  We were in a small Bible study group together for a few years before we moved here to the Rez, and we have stayed in touch through facebook.  Lynn's down-to-earth wisdom and ability to find laughter in some of life's ironies have always been encouraging and meaningful to me.  My heart aches and breaks especially for her two young daughters and her husband in the midst of the rapid chaos they have entered into. Three. Weeks. 

That is how one hushes that demanding voice.   To remember the precious sanctity of life.  To count it all joy, all the dirty dishes and piles of laundry and the runny noses and the waist-high weeds and give thanks.  To number the blessings, to wipe little dusty feet at the end of the day as though they are the feet of the Holy One.  To rejoice that we can mourn with hope for dear ones who would never choose to return to us, and rejoice in this day that the Lord has made for us full of vibrant life and beauty even in the pain and sorrow.  To find joy in the daily duties and find satisfaction in the work of our hands, whatever that may be. 

So I knit and cook and clean and read and pray.

I am moving ahead on my Bulle for Lyddie.  I am really a decent knitter but lately keep making just silly mistakes.  I am in a state of continual distraction and interruption from little people, which is worsened by the fact that the habit of interruption has formed in my mind and it has become difficult for me to focus in any one task at a time. There is always something else that demands my attention... or so it feels.   I have appreciated Ann Voskamp's recent posts on slowing down and removing distraction to enable one to be fully present in each moment.  I am challenged, I am quieted.

I am reading Mystery on the Blue Train, by Agatha Christie.  It is fun. 

I am reading Little House On the Prairie to Lyddie and she is enjoying it.  Her eyes filled with wonder and amazement when she realized today that Pa didn't build a floor in their cabin and I explained that they had a dirt floor.  "But do they have a trash can for putting all the dirt they sweep into?"  Serious questions and a 

I just finished reading Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo to my two bigger girls over the past few bedtimes. I love almost anything by this author (which you might guess since over the past year I have read no less than 10 of her books) and our introduction to Mercy the pig was no exception.  

I am looking forward to reading what others' weeks have held through the yarn along Ginny hosts each week. 


  1. I am sorry about your friend-sometimes I just don't understand life at all. May you be comforted in the days ahead. I'll be praying for her husband and children as well. Love the water play photos, so much happiness!!

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I also lost someone very quickly a the beginning of June. He will leave a rather large whole in my life, so I know how you feel.
    Katie DiCamillo is one of my favorite children's authors. My mom was a children's librarian and that is how I became acquainted with her books. I can't wait to read them to my daughter.

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend. Praise Jesus that she feels no pain.
    If I knew how to quiet that nagging voice I would tell you, but I do t. I don't even have kids and yet I never feel like I did enough in a day. There is always more to do.

  4. What a beautiful post. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. It definitely puts things in perspective. And seeing that beautiful smiling face in the photo above is more important than getting that laundry done or the weeds removed. God bless.

  5. So sorry for your loss! Hugs and Prayers!

  6. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend... I have read the Little House and the Prairie Series & loved them I hope you enjoy it. :)

  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend! Keeping you, and her family, in my thoughts and prayers.
