We've finally had 2-3 warm days in a row, which is a blessing. My spirits soared when I peeked out the blinds this morning and saw sun reflecting off the trees from around the corner. My outlook was immediately different. Praise the Lord for all weather, but I especially praise Him for the warmth of the sun.
On Sunday, our friend Chris Granberry has his ordination service in Yakima. He is being ordained as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America. We are considering driving over to be part of it for the evening, and I really hope it works out. We sure love it over there and would be excited to witness this exciting event. It's not a long road trip - 2 1/2 hours isn't bad, no worse than driving to and from Bellingham in my college days.
I'm reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs, which was recommended by some friends at work. These friends are also addicted to knitting, so I thought I'd give it a try when they lent it to me. I am enjoying it - I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece of writing, but it's interesting with likable characters and I'm interested to see how they overcome some of the obstacles in their lives. It's good reading for just before bed, since it helps take my mind off the day and plans for the next day.
I've also been reading Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotions that I found online. I love online books - although I would really like a hard copy of this book, since I believe it's one I would read over and over in this life. They're very practical reflections on Scripture and help me to have a worshipful attitude as I begin and end my days.
I've been knitting away... since so many people are expecting. I found some cute baby patterns and have been pumping them out for each couple that is pregnant. My mom also took a class for beginning knitters, a Mother's Day present, and she is frantically trying to knit an entire scarf between last Saturday and this Saturday! She is making great progress, and the scarf is a beautiful, rich forest green. I don't know it's going to be for, since she hates to wear scarves, but it is the easiest thing to learn to knit, so that's what the class was. I'm glad she's enjoying it. It really is addicting - there are so many cute knitting patterns out there! I think every woman should learn to knit, since it's a simple way to be productive.
Speaking of productivity and knitting, I should go fold some laundry before my mom shows up for some help with her project. I think this is the 5th time in 3 days that she has come over for help! Hehe- but last night she fixed an error all by herself! Yay! And I don't mind - I love teaching people how to knit and look for ways to fix their problems. I should teach a class someday maybe.
Off to the mountain of laundry awaiting me!!
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