Friday, May 14, 2010

Me Time

Oh to be disciplined enough to blog more consistently! I should treasure these quiet moments when Lyddie is napping and use them for MYSELF sometimes rather than cleaning and chores and support raising tasks all the time.
One thing I just realized the last week is that in the past 6 months (have I really been a mother for 6 months already??), I have pretty much never taken time all to myself to go anywhere or do anything baby-less. It's not at all that Jesse would object at all if I asked him to take Lyddie for an afternoon. It's just that I never really think to ask and I enjoy his company and doing things as a family so much that it hasn't been an issue. But I'm feeling stifled a little the last few weeks and realized I need to make sure I take time just for myself.

I think that some people get a little obsessive about "me time" and make into an idol, but I also believe it is an important and healthy thing to include in my life every week or two and will make me a better and more content wife and mother. I think I should start making it a practice to "escape" once a week for an hour or two and do something all alone, like go to a coffee shop and read a book or something. If I don't put this in place in my life now, I know I won't make it a priority when we have multiple kiddos when I will really need it.
As a type-A list maker, I have to list my escape ideas.
  • coffee with a book
  • a fancy manicure
  • the library
  • a pap smear
  • a walk in the park or on the waterfront nearby
  • the yarn store with my knitting
So my question to you, dear readers, is whether this is something you have ever tried to include in your life, and what kinds of things you like to do in your 'down time'? While I would certainly be thrilled to just visit a coffee shop alone with my book each week, I might also like a variety of ideas to draw from...

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1 comment:

  1. Definitely agree with you on this!! I have a book suggestion for you (which kind of relates to the topic!) - it's called "Pure Pleasure" by Gary Thomas. We just read it and discussed it at a women's retreat, and it is great!! Well, I think anything this guy writes is great (and he's from Bellingham!).
