Sunday, July 18, 2010

Be still my beating heart

Oh Adelaide.
Adelaide at 7 months. Be still my heart. Oh my sweet baby. (and -Oh my hot man.)
Oops, there goes my heart stopping again. Beat, heart, beat!

Lyddie is so fascinated with that baby in the mirror, but my love for that baby far surpasses her sweet little fascination.

Lyddie is truly a delight every day. There surely has never been a more precious baby girl.

We took her for her first studio photo shoot yesterday since there was a really good deal on a package at the studio in Babies R Us, and for being just a generic photography studio, the pictures seem to be adorable and I can't wait for them to come in. As I told my mom, they'd really have to fail to make that baby look bad in her little tutu and pink ribbon ballet slippers!

She's eating anything and everything it seems - or just about! We tried yogurt with blueberries this week and she loved it, eating every single bite. She is a really great eater and not picky, which is lovely, especially since through work I see the pickiest eaters imaginable. It's fun to see a baby who eats normally. She is definitely a carb and fruit lover - just like her mamma!

She babbles all the time with lots of vowel play. She also loves to say "dadada" and just started to say "mamama" this week! Not words since they don't have any meaning yet, but it's still fun to hear that little voice babbling away, screeching, singing, hollering, and cooing. There's a reason I'm a speech therapist - language and speech development just sparks a little fire in my heart!
She has now mastered crawling - backwards. One of these days she'll figure out forwards. She has been dancing by shaking her head back and forth (like "no") whenever she hears music, but today she started copying up and down (like "yes"). She looks like the sweetest little headbanger in the world and just puts us in fits of laughter.

Oh the little hands that reach out for me, the smile that lights up the room when she sees me, the bright eyes that spark with recognition and joy when I come near.

Motherhood is truly the best walk I could ever imagine, even with the trials and anxiety that it brings. The joy, wonder, and love is worth every wrinkle and (so far, 2!!) gray hairs I will earn from it.

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